nodes | edges | fields
node resolves to current token ownerexample:
obviously, not all results are returned in one shut (by design)
change the Graph API method from GET to POST/DELETE
you can do virtually all the things you may have done on Facebook in browser over the Graph API;
however those operations are not covered in this course. :)
curl -i -X GET \
import requests
Get Code
按鈕觀察cURL的程式碼(類似下面)curl -i -X GET \
# the target API url
api_addr = ""
# a valid token
token = "CAACEdEose0cBAEZAjeBtClmJ0ZAtPDGs1iLav0QUPLofXFGLkCWZAUf0hNUZBQr8cnxOsAg8PGsjlcmglGilGTQgfweUOhboycjVr95itFlmskTPhBYBUBZCZAU1yiPuTDyyvdS7vEVrZAPDa1fSxZBMZA4eL8YvthC6Yk115ZARLufW5nEXI30tnUc3b43P47cu6kJWizviDulwZDZD"
# build the query string for the GET method
qs = {"metadata": 1,
"access_token": token}
r = requests.get(api_addr, params=qs)
print r
r.content[:100] # content too long, print only the first 100 char
<Response [200]>
'{"name":"Yueh Hsuan Chung","metadata":{"fields":[{"name":"id","description":"The id of this person\'s'
# parse json string into dict
meta = r.json()
# check top-level keys in parsed results
[u'id', u'name', u'metadata']
# show metadata dict
[u'connections', u'fields', u'type']
# inspect the value of fields in metadata
meta["metadata"]["fields"][:3] # a list of dict
[{u'description': u"The id of this person's user account. This ID is unique to each app and cannot be used across different apps. [Our upgrade guide provides more information about app-specific IDs](/docs/apps/upgrading/#upgrading_v2_0_user_ids)", u'name': u'id', u'type': u'numeric string'}, {u'description': u"The About Me section of this person's profile", u'name': u'about', u'type': u'string'}, {u'description': u'The age segment for this person expressed as a minimum and maximum age. For example, more than 18, less than 21.', u'name': u'age_range', u'type': u'agerange'}]
metafields = [ l["name"] for l in meta["metadata"]["fields"] ]
for s in metafields:
print s
id about age_range bio birthday context currency devices education email favorite_athletes favorite_teams first_name gender hometown inspirational_people install_type installed interested_in is_shared_login is_verified languages last_name link location locale meeting_for middle_name name name_format payment_pricepoints test_group political relationship_status religion security_settings significant_other sports quotes third_party_id timezone token_for_business updated_time shared_login_upgrade_required_by verified video_upload_limits viewer_can_send_gift website work public_key cover
Get Code
按鈕觀察cURL的程式碼(類似下面)curl -i -X GET \
這個查詢來快速找出你沒有讚數的文章def getAllLikes1(token, node):
result = []
api_addr = "" % node
qs = {"fields": "name",
"access_token": token}
r = requests.get(api_addr, params=qs)
res = r.json()
if not len(res["data"]):
return result
result += res["data"]
while "next" in res["paging"]:
cursor_next = res["paging"]["cursors"]["after"]
qs["after"] = cursor_next
r = requests.get(api_addr, params=qs)
res = r.json()
result += res["data"]
return result
def getAllLikes2(token, node):
result = []
api_addr = "" % node
qs = {"fields": "name",
"access_token": token}
r = requests.get(api_addr, params=qs)
res = r.json()
if not len(res["data"]):
return result
result += res["data"]
while "next" in res["paging"]:
next_query = res["paging"]["next"]
r = requests.get(next_query)
res = r.json()
result += res["data"]
return result
token = "CAACEdEose0cBAEZAjeBtClmJ0ZAtPDGs1iLav0QUPLofXFGLkCWZAUf0hNUZBQr8cnxOsAg8PGsjlcmglGilGTQgfweUOhboycjVr95itFlmskTPhBYBUBZCZAU1yiPuTDyyvdS7vEVrZAPDa1fSxZBMZA4eL8YvthC6Yk115ZARLufW5nEXI30tnUc3b43P47cu6kJWizviDulwZDZD"
node = "100000862115668_932029203502475"
result1 = getAllLikes1(token=token, node=node)
result2 = getAllLikes2(token=token, node=node)
result1 == result2
# the result is a list of dict containing liked-users' id and name
[{u'id': u'315371435293768', u'name': u'Tindy Cheng'}, {u'id': u'969673423047100', u'name': u'ChunKuei Chu'}, {u'id': u'756609997705112', u'name': u'\u6797\u744b\u744b'}, {u'id': u'852448504770317', u'name': u'Mark Yang'}, {u'id': u'1487000218', u'name': u'\u8607\u4e2d\u624d'}, {u'id': u'1161704643846945', u'name': u'\u9673\u667a\u6cd3'}]
# think about a blueprint of your crawler
class likerCrawler:
# need a user id and a starting time
def __init__(self, user, since, token):
self.user = str(user)
self.since = str(since)
self.token = str(token)
# need a helper to convert datetime string to timestamp
def str2Timestamp(): pass
# need a function to crawl all post id in a given time
def getPostId(): pass
# need a function to crawl all like info given a post id
def getLikes(): pass
import requests
import datetime, time
class likerCrawler:
"""a FB Graph API crawler to get all like info associated with posts since a given time"""
def __init__(self, user, since, token, tfmt="%Y-%m-%d"):
self.user = str(user)
self.since = str(since)
self.token = str(token)
self.tfmt = str(tfmt)
def getTimestamp(self):
"""convert datetime string to UNIX timestamp"""
return int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(self.since, self.tfmt).timetuple()))
def getPostIdwithTimestamp(self):
"""given user_id and start time, return a list of {post_id, time}"""
posts = []
api_addr = "" % self.user
qs = {"since": self.getTimestamp(), "access_token": self.token}
res = requests.get(api_addr, params=qs).json()
if not len(res["data"]):
return None
posts += [ {"id": d["id"], "ts": d["created_time"]} for d in res["data"] ]
while "paging" in res and next in res["paging"]:
res = requests.get(res["paging"]["next"]).json()
post_ids += [ {"id": d["id"], "ts": d["created_time"]} for d in res["data"] ]
return posts
def getLikesPerPost(self, post_id):
"""given a post id, return all user id/name liked it with timestamp"""
like_users = []
api_addr = "" % post_id
qs = {"fields": "likes.fields(name),created_time", "access_token": self.token}
res = requests.get(api_addr, params=qs).json()
if "likes" not in res:
return None
ts = res["created_time"]
like_users += res["likes"]["data"]
while "paging" in res and "next" in res["paging"]:
res = requests.get(next).json()
like_users += res["data"]
return ts, like_users
def getAllLikes(self):
all_likes = [ self.getLikesPerPost(d) for d in self.all_posts ]
return [ l for l in all_likes if l is not None]
def all_posts(self):
return [ m["id"] for m in self.getPostIdwithTimestamp() ]
mycrawler = likerCrawler(user="me",
# return all post ids
# return all post ids with timestamp
[{'id': u'100000862115668_932029203502475', 'ts': u'2015-04-19T21:12:21+0000'}, {'id': u'100000862115668_930976326941096', 'ts': u'2015-04-18T03:50:24+0000'}, {'id': u'100000862115668_930036487035080', 'ts': u'2015-04-17T04:59:26+0000'}, {'id': u'100000862115668_929925230379539', 'ts': u'2015-04-16T04:26:26+0000'}, {'id': u'100000862115668_929794627059266', 'ts': u'2015-04-15T20:29:36+0000'}, {'id': u'100000862115668_929511450420917', 'ts': u'2015-04-15T05:25:38+0000'}]
# return all post ids only
[u'100000862115668_932029203502475', u'100000862115668_930976326941096', u'100000862115668_930036487035080', u'100000862115668_929925230379539', u'100000862115668_929794627059266', u'100000862115668_929511450420917']
# get all likers given a post_id
(u'2015-04-19T21:12:21+0000', [{u'id': u'315371435293768', u'name': u'Tindy Cheng'}, {u'id': u'969673423047100', u'name': u'ChunKuei Chu'}, {u'id': u'756609997705112', u'name': u'\u6797\u744b\u744b'}, {u'id': u'852448504770317', u'name': u'Mark Yang'}, {u'id': u'1487000218', u'name': u'\u8607\u4e2d\u624d'}, {u'id': u'1161704643846945', u'name': u'\u9673\u667a\u6cd3'}, {u'id': u'10204030571792411', u'name': u'Mansun Kuo'}, {u'id': u'10152783776360960', u'name': u'Jim Pai'}, {u'id': u'748835111857876', u'name': u'Yi LinWei'}, {u'id': u'788499557828349', u'name': u'Wush Wu'}, {u'id': u'10200724712359727', u'name': u'Cedar Su'}, {u'id': u'10202285354957426', u'name': u'\u67ef\u9d3b\u5100'}, {u'id': u'878903608788910', u'name': u'\u9b4f\u5ef7\u65ed'}, {u'id': u'1182843781729426', u'name': u'\u6d2a \u5fd7\u6587'}, {u'id': u'912921898725737', u'name': u'\u77f3\u5c0f\u77f3'}, {u'id': u'10153331968758409', u'name': u'Yencheng Chen'}, {u'id': u'10152159007283224', u'name': u'\u6797\u76df\u5091'}, {u'id': u'830239116990181', u'name': u'Han-Wei Wendy Lin'}, {u'id': u'10203196401577752', u'name': u'Teresa Tc'}, {u'id': u'10201864190525667', u'name': u'Yao-Tsung Yang'}, {u'id': u'961707153842993', u'name': u'Meng-Yeh Chuang'}, {u'id': u'877391482280299', u'name': u'Leon Zhang'}, {u'id': u'541969934240', u'name': u'Shao-Chuan Yang'}, {u'id': u'609958632422912', u'name': u'Ikki Oda'}, {u'id': u'10152385217924728', u'name': u'Yuan-Ping Wu'}])
all_likes = mycrawler.getAllLikes()
[(u'2015-04-19T21:12:21+0000', [{u'id': u'315371435293768', u'name': u'Tindy Cheng'}, {u'id': u'969673423047100', u'name': u'ChunKuei Chu'}, {u'id': u'756609997705112', u'name': u'\u6797\u744b\u744b'}, {u'id': u'852448504770317', u'name': u'Mark Yang'}, {u'id': u'1487000218', u'name': u'\u8607\u4e2d\u624d'}, {u'id': u'1161704643846945', u'name': u'\u9673\u667a\u6cd3'}, {u'id': u'10204030571792411', u'name': u'Mansun Kuo'}, {u'id': u'10152783776360960', u'name': u'Jim Pai'}, {u'id': u'748835111857876', u'name': u'Yi LinWei'}, {u'id': u'788499557828349', u'name': u'Wush Wu'}, {u'id': u'10200724712359727', u'name': u'Cedar Su'}, {u'id': u'10202285354957426', u'name': u'\u67ef\u9d3b\u5100'}, {u'id': u'878903608788910', u'name': u'\u9b4f\u5ef7\u65ed'}, {u'id': u'1182843781729426', u'name': u'\u6d2a \u5fd7\u6587'}, {u'id': u'912921898725737', u'name': u'\u77f3\u5c0f\u77f3'}, {u'id': u'10153331968758409', u'name': u'Yencheng Chen'}, {u'id': u'10152159007283224', u'name': u'\u6797\u76df\u5091'}, {u'id': u'830239116990181', u'name': u'Han-Wei Wendy Lin'}, {u'id': u'10203196401577752', u'name': u'Teresa Tc'}, {u'id': u'10201864190525667', u'name': u'Yao-Tsung Yang'}, {u'id': u'961707153842993', u'name': u'Meng-Yeh Chuang'}, {u'id': u'877391482280299', u'name': u'Leon Zhang'}, {u'id': u'541969934240', u'name': u'Shao-Chuan Yang'}, {u'id': u'609958632422912', u'name': u'Ikki Oda'}, {u'id': u'10152385217924728', u'name': u'Yuan-Ping Wu'}]), (u'2015-04-17T23:06:21+0000', [{u'id': u'769927709723228', u'name': u'\u65b9\u5efa\u667a'}, {u'id': u'924054170938791', u'name': u'\u9b6f\u8b19'}, {u'id': u'10200724712359727', u'name': u'Cedar Su'}, {u'id': u'877391482280299', u'name': u'Leon Zhang'}, {u'id': u'748835111857876', u'name': u'Yi LinWei'}, {u'id': u'10152385217924728', u'name': u'Yuan-Ping Wu'}, {u'id': u'969673423047100', u'name': u'ChunKuei Chu'}, {u'id': u'100000153076447', u'name': u'Julie Woo'}, {u'id': u'858228977536894', u'name': u'Chun WU'}, {u'id': u'10203196401577752', u'name': u'Teresa Tc'}, {u'id': u'10152159007283224', u'name': u'\u6797\u76df\u5091'}])]
# speedup by parallelling
# issue: instance method not able to be pickled, the following is one work-around
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial
def _getLikesPerPost(obj, arg):
return obj.getLikesPerPost(arg)
_bound_getLikesPerPost = partial(_getLikesPerPost, mycrawler)
p = Pool() # this must go after function definition
par_res =, mycrawler.all_posts)
all_likes2 = [ l for l in par_res if l is not None ]
# check equivalence
all_likes == all_likes2
%time all_likes = mycrawler.getAllLikes()
CPU times: user 603 ms, sys: 46.8 ms, total: 650 ms Wall time: 5.72 s
%time all_likes2 = [ l for l in, mycrawler.all_posts) if l is not None ]
CPU times: user 31.3 ms, sys: 3.55 ms, total: 34.8 ms Wall time: 2.12 s
# tidy likers into list of (time, name)
def decoratebyTimeUnit(by):
def byTimeUnit(dtstr):
# %z not support in python...
dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(dtstr, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+0000")
if by == "date":
elif by == "month":
return dt.replace(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0).date()
raise ValueError("Unknown by value")
def real_decorator(func):
def wrapper(likes):
return [ (byTimeUnit(like[0]), like[1]) for like in func(likes) ]
return wrapper
return real_decorator
def countByTime(likes):
res = []
for t in likes:
for m in t[1]:
res.append((t[0], m["name"]))
return res
likes = countByTime(all_likes)
[(, 4, 1), u'Tindy Cheng'), (, 4, 1), u'ChunKuei Chu'), (, 4, 1), u'\u6797\u744b\u744b'), (, 4, 1), u'Mark Yang'), (, 4, 1), u'\u8607\u4e2d\u624d'), (, 4, 1), u'\u9673\u667a\u6cd3'), (, 4, 1), u'Mansun Kuo'), (, 4, 1), u'Jim Pai'), (, 4, 1), u'Yi LinWei'), (, 4, 1), u'Wush Wu')]
from collections import Counter
import pandas as pd
# group by time only
monthly_like_counts = Counter([ t[0] for t in likes ])
df = pd.DataFrame(monthly_like_counts.items())
df.columns = ["time", "count"]
df = df.sort("time")
time | count | |
2 | 2014-10-01 | 25 |
0 | 2014-11-01 | 23 |
1 | 2014-12-01 | 6 |
6 | 2015-01-01 | 1 |
4 | 2015-02-01 | 81 |
5 | 2015-03-01 | 5 |
3 | 2015-04-01 | 75 |
# group by time by liker
monthly_like_counts_by_liker = [ (t[0][0], t[0][1], t[1]) for t in Counter(likes).items() ]
df2 = pd.DataFrame(monthly_like_counts_by_liker)
df2.columns = ["time", "liker", "count"]
df2 = df2.sort(["liker", "time"])
time | liker | count | |
38 | 2014-12-01 | Allen Lai | 1 |
109 | 2015-02-01 | Alphas Hwang | 1 |
113 | 2015-04-01 | Ande Teng | 1 |
141 | 2014-12-01 | Arvin Huang | 1 |
98 | 2015-02-01 | Bernie Chen | 1 |
133 | 2015-02-01 | Cedar Su | 2 |
# get top 10 likers
df2_count_by_liker = df2.groupby("liker").sum()
count | |
liker | |
Allen Lai | 1 |
Alphas Hwang | 1 |
Ande Teng | 1 |
Arvin Huang | 1 |
Bernie Chen | 1 |
Cedar Su | 4 |
top_likers = list(df2_count_by_liker.sort("count", ascending=0).index[:5])
[u'Teresa Tc', u'Yi LinWei', u'\u6797\u76df\u5091', u'Leon Zhang', u'Yuan-Ping Wu']
# keep only top 5 likers' data
df2_filtered = df2[df2["liker"].isin(top_likers)]
# to plot in ipython notebook
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plot like counts by time
df.plot(x="time", y="count", marker='o', figsize=(10,5))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10650ced0>
# run the following code to show all available Chinese font family on your computer
from matplotlib.font_manager import fontManager
import os
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.subplots_adjust(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
x, y = 0.05, 0.18
fonts = [ for font in fontManager.ttflist if
os.path.exists(font.fname) and os.stat(font.fname).st_size>1e6]
font = set(fonts)
dy = (1.0-y)/(len(fonts)/4 + (len(fonts)%4!=0))
for font in fonts:
t = ax.text(x, y, u"中文字體", {'fontname':font, 'fontsize':14}, transform=ax.transAxes)
ax.text(x, y-dy/2, font, transform=ax.transAxes)
x += 0.25
if x >= 1.0:
y += dy
x = 0.05
# # not necessary in ipython notebook
# plot like counts by time by top likers
matplotlib.rc("font", family="AppleGothic") # set any Chinese font family
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
p = df2_filtered.groupby("liker").plot(x="time", y="count", marker='x', ax=ax, figsize=(10,5))
plt.legend(list(p.axes[0].get_values()), loc="best")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1081afc50>
右鍵Inspect Element大法!搜尋"data-uid"...
# get list of all avaiable friends on me node
def getAllFriendsOnAPI(token):
fr = []
target = ""
qs = {"access_token": token}
res = requests.get(target, params=qs).json()
fr += res["data"]
while "next" in res["paging"]:
res = requests.get(res["paging"]["next"]).json()
fr += res["data"]
return fr
token = "CAACEdEose0cBAL904Js5Xl2RHrf15tZBGZBOwmUotrvJE660yjwZCZAK6nJd54bFlE4ZAvEf2ZCxGZC6DfusFCZCnDJUPT36bJZBQHkr8WZByrr1HPSb7AVKq632li0RsAbC0todLXr7g4RZBk1MkdbERYzw6Yqs5lIU1I5M5JoJeIqMOpwvbJcyOtM3mYLC2SedbieObS6cVNgpgZDZD"
friends = getAllFriendsOnAPI(token)
[{u'id': u'348900235', u'name': u'Han-Wen Chang'}, {u'id': u'503482470', u'name': u'Ning Chen'}, {u'id': u'523887614', u'name': u'\u9673\u594e\u9298'}, {u'id': u'524871968', u'name': u'Pin Wu'}, {u'id': u'710176842', u'name': u'Linhots Tsao'}, {u'id': u'1045695611', u'name': u'Chih-Peng Wu'}]
# get list of posts given a user id
def getAllPosts(user, token):
posts = []
api_addr = "" % user
qs = {"access_token": token}
res = requests.get(api_addr, params=qs).json()
if not len(res["data"]):
return []
posts += [ d["id"] for d in res["data"] ]
while "paging" in res and next in res["paging"]:
res = requests.get(res["paging"]["next"]).json()
post_ids += [ d["id"] for d in res["data"] ]
return posts
from functools import partial
all_posts = map(partial(getAllPosts, token=token),
[ f["id"] for f in friends ])
results = zip(friends, all_posts)
for r in results:
print "get %s post(s) from %s" % (len(r[1]), r[0]["name"])
get 0 post(s) from Han-Wen Chang get 0 post(s) from Ning Chen get 21 post(s) from 陳奎銘 get 0 post(s) from Pin Wu get 25 post(s) from Linhots Tsao get 0 post(s) from Chih-Peng Wu get 23 post(s) from Chia-Chi Chang get 25 post(s) from Summit Suen get 25 post(s) from Ddio Juan get 23 post(s) from Mansun Kuo get 0 post(s) from 蘇中才 get 0 post(s) from 王雅人 get 25 post(s) from 陳嘉葳 get 24 post(s) from 趙致平 get 0 post(s) from Julie Woo get 22 post(s) from Arvin Huang get 24 post(s) from Chien-Wen Chen get 2 post(s) from Haoping Liu get 0 post(s) from Felix Shiao get 25 post(s) from Ikki Oda get 22 post(s) from Ming-Yi Huang get 20 post(s) from 徐嘉泰 get 25 post(s) from Chen John
# function to like a post
def postLikes(post, token):
posts = []
api_addr = "" % post
qs = {"access_token": token}
return, params=qs)
that is beyond the scope of this course :)
from wikipedia:
a regular expression (abbreviated regex or regexp and sometimes called a rational expression) is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern, mainly for use in pattern matching with strings, or string matching, i.e. "find and replace"-like operations.
# let's make a playground!
import re
test_str = ["kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City",
"Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293",
"free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234",
"Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412"]
def findFirstMatched(pattern, test_str=test_str):
p = re.compile(pattern)
print "\n=== result of findFirstMatched ==="
for i, s in enumerate(test_str):
m =
if m:
print "row %s:" % i,
print "row %s: no match" % i
return None
def findAllMatched(pattern, test_str=test_str):
p = re.compile(pattern)
print "\n=== result of findAllMatched ==="
for i, s in enumerate(test_str):
matched = p.findall(s)
print "row %s: " % i, matched
return None
# test first-matched
=== result of findFirstMatched === row 0: no match row 1: 3 row 2: 3 row 3: 3
# test all-matched
=== result of findAllMatched === row 0: [] row 1: ['3'] row 2: ['3', '3'] row 3: ['3']
# 1st try: get all digits
for s in test_str:
print s
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: 0 row 1: 0 row 2: 0 row 3: 1 === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['0', '2', '2', '2', '5', '6', '1', '1', '1', '6'] row 1: ['0', '7', '2', '1', '1', '8', '0', '2', '9', '3'] row 2: ['0', '8', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '2', '3', '1', '2', '3', '4'] row 3: ['1', '2', '3', '2', '9', '4', '5', '1', '4', '1', '2']
# 2nd try: get all digits, not just one
for s in test_str:
print s
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: 02 row 1: 07 row 2: 0800 row 3: 123 === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['02', '2256', '1116'] row 1: ['07', '21180293'] row 2: ['0800', '000', '123', '1234'] row 3: ['123', '2945', '1412']
# 3rd try: get all digits, not just one, and dash
for s in test_str:
print s
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: 02 row 1: 07-21180293 row 2: 0800 row 3: 123 === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['02', '2256-1116'] row 1: ['07-21180293'] row 2: ['0800', '000', '123', '1234'] row 3: ['123', '2945', '1412']
# 4th try: get all digits, not just one, and dash and paranthesis and blanks...
for s in test_str:
print s
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: (02)2256-1116 row 1: 07-21180293 row 2: 0800 row 3: ( === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['(02)2256-1116'] row 1: ['07-21180293'] row 2: ['0800', '000', '123', '1234'] row 3: ['(', ')', '123', '2945', '1412']
# now allow blanks, oops!
for s in test_str:
print s
findFirstMatched("[0-9-() ]+")
findAllMatched("[0-9-() ]+")
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: row 1: row 2: row 3: ( === result of findAllMatched === row 0: [' ', ' (02)2256-1116', ' ', ' ', ' '] row 1: [' ', ' ', ' 07-21180293'] row 2: [' ', ' 0800 000 123 ', '1234'] row 3: [' (', ' ', ') ', ' ', '123 2945 1412']
# test for optional parenthesis
for s in test_str:
print s
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: (02) row 1: 07 row 2: 0800 row 3: 123 === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['(02)', '2256', '1116'] row 1: ['07', '21180293'] row 2: ['0800', '000', '123', '1234'] row 3: ['123', '2945', '1412']
# optional parenthesis/dash and consecutive numbers
for s in test_str:
print s
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: (02)2256-1116 row 1: 07-21180293 row 2: 0800 row 3: 123 === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['(02)2256-1116'] row 1: ['07-21180293'] row 2: ['0800', '000', '123', '1234'] row 3: ['123', '2945', '1412']
# optional parenthesis/dash and consecutive numbers/blanks
for s in test_str:
print s
findFirstMatched("\(?[0-9]+\)?[0-9- ]+")
findAllMatched("\(?[0-9]+\)?[0-9- ]+")
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: (02)2256-1116 row 1: 07-21180293 row 2: 0800 000 123 row 3: 123 2945 1412 === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['(02)2256-1116'] row 1: ['07-21180293'] row 2: ['0800 000 123 ', '1234'] row 3: ['123 2945 1412']
# restrict numbers of digits
for s in test_str:
print s
findFirstMatched("\(?[0-9]{0,2}\)?-?[0-9]{4}[ -]?[0-9]{4}")
findAllMatched("\(?[0-9]{0,2}\)?-?[0-9]{4}[ -]?[0-9]{4}")
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: (02)2256-1116 row 1: 07-21180293 row 2: no match row 3: 2945 1412 === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['(02)2256-1116'] row 1: ['07-21180293'] row 2: [] row 3: ['2945 1412']
# build a second pattern
for s in test_str:
print s
findFirstMatched("[0-9]{4}[ ]?[0-9]{3}[ ]?[0-9]{3}")
findAllMatched("[0-9]{4}[ ]?[0-9]{3}[ ]?[0-9]{3}")
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: no match row 1: no match row 2: 0800 000 123 row 3: no match === result of findAllMatched === row 0: [] row 1: [] row 2: ['0800 000 123'] row 3: []
# combine two patterns with or operator
for s in test_str:
print s
findFirstMatched("\(?[0-9]{0,2}\)?-?[0-9]{4}[ -]?[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{4}[ ]?[0-9]{3}[ ]?[0-9]{3}")
findAllMatched("\(?[0-9]{0,2}\)?-?[0-9]{4}[ -]?[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{4}[ ]?[0-9]{3}[ ]?[0-9]{3}")
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: (02)2256-1116 row 1: 07-21180293 row 2: 0800 000 123 row 3: 2945 1412 === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['(02)2256-1116'] row 1: ['07-21180293'] row 2: ['0800 000 123'] row 3: ['2945 1412']
# deal with optional extension digits
for s in test_str:
print s
findFirstMatched("\(?[0-9]{0,2}\)?-?[0-9]{4}[ -]?[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{4}[ ]?[0-9]{3}[ ]?[0-9]{3}[ ]?#?[0-9]+")
findAllMatched("\(?[0-9]{0,2}\)?-?[0-9]{4}[ -]?[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{4}[ ]?[0-9]{3}[ ]?[0-9]{3}[ ]?#?[0-9]+")
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: (02)2256-1116 row 1: 07-21180293 row 2: 0800 000 123 #1234 row 3: 2945 1412 === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['(02)2256-1116'] row 1: ['07-21180293'] row 2: ['0800 000 123 #1234'] row 3: ['2945 1412']
. ^ $ * + ? { } [ ] \ | ( )
\d \D \s \S \w \W \b \B
任意字¶match anything except newline(\n
for s in test_str:
print s
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['k', 'y', 'l', 'e', ' ', 'c', 'h', 'u', 'n', 'g', ';', ' ', '(', '0', '2', ')', '2', '2', '5', '6', '-', '1', '1', '1', '6', ';', ' ', 'N', 'e', 'w', ' ', 'T', 'a', 'i', 'p', 'e', 'i', ' ', 'C', 'i', 't', 'y'] row 1: ['M', 'r', '.', ' ', 'F', 'u', 'n', 'g', 'h', 'i', ',', 'E', 'a', 'r', 't', 'h', ' ', 'A', 'n', 'y', 'w', 'h', 'e', 'r', 'e', ',', ' ', '0', '7', '-', '2', '1', '1', '8', '0', '2', '9', '3'] row 2: ['f', 'r', 'e', 'e', ' ', 't', 'e', 'l', ':', ' ', '0', '8', '0', '0', ' ', '0', '0', '0', ' ', '1', '2', '3', ' ', '#', '1', '2', '3', '4'] row 3: ['D', 'r', '.', 'A', ' ', '(', 'n', 'o', 't', ' ', 'D', 'r', '.', 'B', ')', ' ', 's', 't', 'r', 'e', 'e', 't', ' ', 'n', 'o', '.', '1', '2', '3', ' ', '2', '9', '4', '5', ' ', '1', '4', '1', '2']
^ $
: (following) the beginning character^this
matches anything started with "this"$
: (preceding) the ending characterthat$
matches anything ended with "that"for s in test_str:
print s
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: kyle row 1: no match row 2: no match row 3: no match === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: no match row 1: no match row 2: no match row 3: no match
* + ?
重複子¶to specify the occurrence condition of its previous character
: any occurrence (including zero)+
: at least one occurrence?
: zero or exactly one occurrencefor s in test_str:
print s
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City row 1: no match row 2: no match row 3: no match
計數重複子¶at least m
and at most n
: character "a" must occur at least one and at most three timea{1,}
: character "a" must occur at least one timea{,3}
: character "a" must occur at most three timefor s in test_str:
print s
findFirstMatched("0{3,3}") # could be "0{3}" for short
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findFirstMatched === row 0: no match row 1: no match row 2: 000 row 3: no match
: character class 多字元類聚¶[0-9$]
matches any of numbers 0 to 9 or the dollar sign($)$
is treated as-is-
: ranger, e.g., [0-9a-zA-Z]
: negator, e.g., [^0-9]
for s in test_str:
print s
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['kyle', 'chung', 'New', 'Taipei', 'City'] row 1: ['Mr', 'Funghi', 'Earth', 'Anywhere'] row 2: ['free', 'tel'] row 3: ['Dr', 'A', 'not', 'Dr', 'B', 'street', 'no']
for s in test_str:
print s
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['kyle'] row 1: ['Funghi'] row 2: [] row 3: [] === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['kyle'] row 1: ['Funghi'] row 2: [] row 3: []
: at least one occurrence of "abc"abc+
: here the repeater +
only operates on character "c"\
跳脫子¶to have its following character as-is, i.e., stripping special meaning
this is required when you want to match literal meta-char
for s in test_str:
print s
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['(02)'] row 1: [] row 2: [] row 3: ['(not Dr.B)']
short-cut of specific character classes
: any decimal digit => [0-9]
: any non-digit => [^0-9]
: any white space => [ \t\n\r\f\v]
: any non-white space => [^ \t\n\r\f\v]
: any alphanumeric => [a-zA-Z0-9_]
: any non-alphanumeric => [^a-zA-Z0-9_]
: matches the empty string, but only at the beginning or end of a word (\w)for s in test_str:
print s
findAllMatched("[\d\D]+") # can be used in class
kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293 free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234 Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412 === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['02', '2256', '1116'] row 1: ['07', '21180293'] row 2: ['0800', '000', '123', '1234'] row 3: ['123', '2945', '1412'] === result of findAllMatched === row 0: ['kyle chung; (02)2256-1116; New Taipei City'] row 1: ['Mr. Funghi,Earth Anywhere, 07-21180293'] row 2: ['free tel: 0800 000 123 #1234'] row 3: ['Dr.A (not Dr.B) street no.123 2945 1412']
import re
p = re.compile("test+")
# return a pattern object
print p
# check methods
[me for me in dir(p) if callable(getattr(p, me)) and not "__" in me]
<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x10de76cb0>
['findall', 'finditer', 'match', 'scanner', 'search', 'split', 'sub', 'subn']
method 從頭找起¶to perform pattern matching from the beginning of a string
print p.match("123")
print p.match("123test")
print p.match("tes")
print p.match("test")
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x10f6dab28>
print p.match("testttttset")
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x10f6dab90>
object¶m = p.match("testttttset")
[me for me in dir(m) if callable(getattr(m, me)) and not "__" in me]
['end', 'expand', 'group', 'groupdict', 'groups', 'span', 'start']
# return the matched string
"the match starts at pos %s and ends at pos %s" % (m.start(), m.end())
'the match starts at pos 0 and ends at pos 8'
"the match starts at pos %s and ends at pos %s" % m.span()
'the match starts at pos 0 and ends at pos 8'
method 任意位置開始搜尋¶to perform pattern matching from anywhere of a string
m ="123test456")
if m:
print "pattern matched at pos %s to pos %s" % m.span()
print "no match"
pattern matched at pos 3 to pos 7
and finditer
method 找全部的匹配¶both match
and search
return only the first matched
p = re.compile("\d")
p.findall("24 hours a day; 8 in sleep and 8 for works")
['2', '4', '8', '8']
for m in p.finditer("24 hours a day; 8 in sleep and 8 for works"):
print "\'%s\' found at %s" % (, m.span())
'2' found at (0, 1) '4' found at (1, 2) '8' found at (16, 17) '8' found at (31, 32)
1 round for Daan Park is 2350m
=> try to retrieve two numbers present in the above sentence. (1 and 2350)
test_str = "1 round for Daan Park is 2350m"
m = re.findall("\d+", test_str)
['1', '2350']
methods like search
, match
, and findall
can be called on module-level
m = re.findall("\d+", "1 round for Daan Park is 2350m")
print m
['1', '2350']
m = re.match("\d+", "1 round for Daan Park is 2350m")
m ="\d+", "1 round for Daan Park is 2350m")
and groups
method¶m = re.match("([0-9]+)([a-z]+)", "123abc456")
# return the whole matched (sub)string
# if grouper is used, they can be retrieved individually,,
('123abc', '123', 'abc')
# or multiple retrieved,2,1)
('123', 'abc', '123')
# return each group matched in a tuple (works only if grouper is used)
('123', 'abc')
# or in a dictionary
(see the advanced section)
test_str = "1 round for Daan Park is 2350m"
m = re.match("(\d+).*(\d+).*", test_str), 2) # failed to retrieve the second number (what's wrong?)
('1', '0')
m = re.match("(\d+)[^0-9]*(\d+).*", test_str)
m.groups() # repeater is GREEDY: they try to match as many as possible
('1', '2350')
my code is 12
Mr. lucky7's code is 76
are you coded no.1?
=> retrieve all "code number" in this three lines
test_str = ["my code is 12",
"Mr. lucky7's code is 76",
"are you coded no.1?"]
# hard-coded re
# useless, and sometimes dangerous!
p = re.compile("(12|76|1)")
[ for s in test_str ]
['12', '76', '1']
# match the number ended in the sentence, with optionally question mark
# still somewhat problem-specific and hence less general
# also notice that .findall only returns string matched in grouper,
# try "(\d+\??)" instead to see the diff
p = re.compile("(\d+)\??$")
[ p.findall(s)[-1] for s in test_str ]
['12', '76', '1']
# match all numbers and return the last one
p = re.compile("\d+")
[ p.findall(s)[-1] for s in test_str ]
['12', '76', '1']
My name is Kyle Chung, loving buying at PChome.
=> retrieve first-char-capitalized words
test_str = "My name is Kyle Chung, loving buying at PChome."
# this one fails
m = re.compile("[A-Z][a-z]+")
['My', 'Kyle', 'Chung', 'Chome']
# bounder "\b" is essential here
# why double the escaper?
m = re.compile("\\b[A-Z][a-z]+\\b")
['My', 'Kyle', 'Chung']
(see the advanced section: "Raw Strign Notation" for more info about double escaping)
Things are getting HARDER! Now try capturing CamelUpperCased word(s).
=> retrieve any camel-cased word.
test_str = "Things are getting HARDER! Now try capturing CamelUpperCased word(s)."
for m in re.finditer("([A-Z][a-z]+)+", test_str):
Things Now CamelUpperCased
for m in re.finditer("([A-Z][a-z]+){2,}", test_str):
# but why fail in this?
re.findall("([A-Z][a-z]+){2,}", test_str)
# only one grouper but matched three times, values are overwritten to the matched group
# and findall sinces to return only matched group(s) when grouper is used
for m in re.finditer("([A-Z][a-z]+){2,}", test_str):
print m.groups()
# a possible fix
for m in re.finditer("(([A-Z][a-z]+){2,})", test_str):
print m.groups()
('CamelUpperCased', 'Cased')
# to see things clearly
re.findall("(([A-Z][a-z]+){1,})", test_str)
[('Things', 'Things'), ('Now', 'Now'), ('CamelUpperCased', 'Cased')]
test_str = "ABCdef"
# direct compile
p = re.compile("[A-Z]")
p.sub("1", test_str)
# implicit compile
re.sub("[A-Z]", "1", test_str)
# restrict number of replacements
re.sub("[A-Z]", "1", test_str, count=1)
test_str = "ABCdefghij"
re.sub("[a-z]+", lambda x: str(len(, test_str)
and (?!<pattern>)
|匹配但不抓取¶to match without returning matched
import re
test_str = "metadata:{name: kyle, age: 18, gender: male}"
m ="(name: )(\w+)", test_str)
print "string returned by .group => \t" + str(
print "string returned by .groups => \t" + str(m.groups())
string returned by .group => name: kyle string returned by .groups => ('name: ', 'kyle')
m ="(?:name: )(\w+)", test_str)
print "string returned by .group => \t" + str(
print "string returned by .groups => \t" + str(m.groups())
string returned by .group => name: kyle string returned by .groups => ('kyle',)
# back to the previous exercise:
# match first digits after string "code"
test_str = ["my code is 12",
"Mr. lucky7's code is 76",
"are you coded no.1?"]
p = re.compile("(?:code)[^0-9]*(\d+)")
[ for s in test_str ]
[('12',), ('76',), ('1',)]
and (?!...)
|條件往前找¶only to match when the asserted string is (not) matched first
# again, match first digits after string "code"
test_str = ["my code is 12",
"Mr. lucky7's code is 76",
"are you coded no.1?"]
p = re.compile("(?=code)[^0-9]*(\d+)")
[ for s in test_str ]
[('12',), ('76',), ('1',)]
|命名群組¶a python-specific extension
test_str = "metadata:{name: kyle, age: 18, gender: male}"
p1 = re.compile("(name: )(\w+).*(age: )(\d+)")
m1 =
('name: ', 'kyle', 'age: ', '18')
p2 = re.compile("(name: )(?P<username>\w+).*(age: )(?P<userage>\d+)")
m2 =
('name: ', 'kyle', 'age: ', '18')
{'userage': '18', 'username': 'kyle'}
|往回參照¶yet anotehr python-specific extension
# usage of backrefer
test_str = "This test is a test about backrefer."
m ="(test)(.*)\\1", test_str)
('test', ' is a ')
# usage of backrefer by name (python-specific)
m ="(?P<g1>test)(.*)(?P=g1)", test_str)
('test', '(a) and test(b) should be replaced while ')
# backreference and replacement
test_str = "test(a) and test(b) should be replaced while test should not"
re.sub("test\(([a-z])\)", "new(\\1)", test_str)
'new(a) and new(b) should be replaced while test should not'
# alternatively:
re.sub("test\((?P<target>[a-z])\)", "new(\g<1>)", test_str)
'new(a) and new(b) should be replaced while test should not'
# or by name
re.sub("test\((?P<target>[a-z])\)", "new(\g<target>)", test_str)
'new(a) and new(b) should be replaced while test should not'
# surprisingly not working:
# (?P=name) must be used along with (?P<name>) in the same expression
# in case of replacement operation, the above does not hold
re.sub("test\((?P<target>[a-z])\)", "new((?P=target))", test_str)
'new((?P=target)) and new((?P=target)) should be replaced while test should not'
in Python, string expression may contain special characters (i.e., meta-char)
print "a string"
a string
print "\n a string with newline"
a string with newline
print "\n a string with newline"
a string with newline
print "\\n a string with escaped newline char"
\n a string with escaped newline char
print r"\n a string with newline char"
\n a string with newline char
¶# in python, \b is specially treated
print "the char \\b has special meaning of ASCII Backspace -> [\b]"
the char \b has special meaning of ASCII Backspace -> []
# however, in re, \b is ALSO specially treated
p = re.compile("\b[A-Z][a-z]+")
m = p.match("Hello")
print m # no match since \b is not triggered as meta-char in re
# need an escape
p = re.compile("\\b[A-Z][a-z]+")
m = p.match("Hello")
# alternatively, use raw string notation
p = re.compile(r"\b[A-Z][a-z]+")
m = p.match("Hello")
import re
cstr = "哈哈囉你好"
# sound good
m ="哈囉", cstr)
# but this is not working
m ="哈+", cstr)
# try instead
m ="(哈)+", cstr)
# the reason being that a Chinese character is indeed a set of ASCII characters
# to verify this...
m ="哈+", "哈\x88")
methoddef printArgs(*args):
for arg in args:
print arg
1 2 3
# decorator without argument
def decorate(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
print "decorated!"
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def printArgs(*args):
for arg in args:
print arg
decorated! 1 2 3
# decorator with argument(s)
def decorateWithArg(dname):
def realWrapper(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
print "decorated by %s!" % dname
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return realWrapper
def printArgs(*args):
for arg in args:
print arg
decorated by test! 1 2 3
method¶# apply a function with exactly one argument
def addOne(x):
return x + 1
one2nine = range(0, 10)
print one2nine
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
print map(addOne, one2nine)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
# apply a function with more than one argument
def addY(x, y):
return x + y
# if y is unchanged
from functools import partial
print map(partial(addY, y=10), one2nine)
[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
# if y is changing
import itertools
print map(addY, one2nine, itertools.chain(range(0, 10)))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]